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Ñuñoa, RM (Metropolitana)

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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken o Mercado Envios
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.

Juro solemnemente mucho cuidador de agujas de esmalte

I Solemnly Swear A Lot Enamel Needle Minder

COLOR: gold yellow black tan

-Soft Enamel Needle Minder with backer disc, on a backer card and bagged

-Exclusive Snarky Crafter Design

-Produced and assembled in the USA

Just can't put down your stitching? Just one more row.. You may never sleep again! Hold your needle on your work, whether it be cross stitch, embroidery, quilting or more. This is an exclusive custom soft enamel needle minder featuring a needle and thread spelling out the text. Never lose your needle, create unnecessary holes or get a rust stain from needles left in your needlework. These magnetic needle minders will always keep track of them. To use, simply slide the backer disc off your minder, place the top of your minder on the front of your project and place the disc underneath your project. The needle will stick to the needle minder, so you always know where it is. You can also use your minder to hold your pattern to your fabric or even as a fridge magnet or on your jacket or backpack when you aren't working on a project. These needle minders are about 1 inches wide and are made of soft enamel, with your choice of three colors: Navy, Pink or Green. Both minder and backer are 15mm round. B07ZTR9T62

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