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Desodorante para zapatos Fresh Nest con zeolitas, paquete de 1, eliminador de olores, ambientador, absorbente de olores, zapatillas deportivas, bolsas de gimnasio, botines de fútbol, ??armarios, área para mascotas, reutilizable, desodorante para zapatos

Fresh Nest Shoe Deodorizer with Zeolites 1-Pack - Odor Eliminator, Air Freshener, Smell Absorber, Sneakers, Gym Bags, Soccer Cleats, Closets, Pet Area, Reusable - Shoe Deodorant

Marca: UNICA
Modelo: UNICO
Color: Teal
Talla: 2 Count (Pack of 1)
-SUPERIOR ODOR ELIMINATION: Eliminate stubborn odors from your footwear, including shoes, sneakers, and boots, as well as your gym bag and soccer cleats, using the impressive Fresh Nest technology. Our groundbreaking method doesn't simply conceal unpleasant odors; it actively disintegrates and eradicates odor molecules on a molecular level.- -FRAGRANCE-FREE FRESHNESS: Bid farewell to synthetic fragrances and welcome authentic freshness. Fresh Nest technology doesn't depend on artificial scents or perfumes that simply cover up odors. Instead, it employs a molecular approach, efficiently neutralizing odor molecules, leaving your shoes and surroundings authentically odor-free.- -SAFE & NON-TOXIC: Fresh Nest Shoe Deodorizers are meticulously manufactured without any harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrances. We have developed a non-toxic solution that is suitable for individuals of all ages, providing you with peace of mind as you relish odor-free areas. Prioritize health and freshness with Fresh Nest.- -LONG-LASTING RESULTS: Discover long-lasting freshness like never before. Fresh Nest Shoe Deodorizers start their efficient action within only one day of use and maintain their effects for an impressive period of up to 6 months. Depends on extended odor eradication and a continuous, invigorating atmosphere that remains efficient over time.- -REUSABLE FRESHNESS: Fresh Nest Shoe Deodorizers provide versatile odor control, going beyond shoes to efficiently deodorize lockers, gym bags, soccer cleats, closets, and even pet areas. Say goodbye to lingering odors in diverse spaces, ensuring a consistently fresh and welcoming environment wherever you need it.- -

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